11:00 Sunday Morning
Fairgrove UMC invites all who seek God; whether to deepen their faith or connect with a welcoming community of Jesus-loving folks, to join us weekly for worship. Our doors are open to all; come as you are!
Our worship service is traditional, but we have embraced technology to reach as many folks as possible. We livestream the worship services on our Facebook page for those who cannot attend in person. If you do not have a Facebook account; however, we invite you to watch a recording of the livestream on our YouTube page which will be uploaded by the end of the day Sunday. If you would like to follow along with us as you watch, you can find the weekly bulletins uploaded to our website under the Worship tab.
For those who are joining us in the pews, bulletins with the order of service are printed and ready to pick up in the entryway/Narthex. You are welcome to sit anywhere you would like in the Sanctuary. Our worship leader leads us on the piano to sing a variety of traditional hymns, as well as the occasional contemporary worship song.
Typically, we serve communion once a month. All are welcome to the table, though not required, to partake in the body (bread) and blood (grape juice) of our Savior Jesus Christ who forgives our sins.
Children are invited to join us in the worship service, as well. For young and/or restless kids, we have two totes of quiet activities that we call our children’s activity library to engage them throughout the service. At this time, we do not have a children’s church or nursery; however, should there be a regular need for such, we will reevaluate.
Following each worship service, announcements are shared to give the most up-to-date information about our ministries and events.

CCLI License #21617356 & 21617363 (Streaming)
OneLicense #A-741941